Friday, 14 January 2011

Not an average week

Suddenly flashing on my screen was the unbelievable news that a US politician had been shot in the head. I scrabbled around looking for more on the story, as I couldn't comprehend that in 2011 the safety of any lawmaker would be compromised this way, I found the confirmation. Suddenly every press association and news channel was running the story. Even here in the UK a relatively unknown politician from the States, became a house hold name. Gabrielle Giffords, became the biggest news story of this year, all be it we are only a couple of weeks in. I suspect even in December 2011 this story is still going to be one of the biggest. Sadly in the same incident a child born on another tragic day in the US 9/11 also died. I also suspect the name Christina Taylor - Green will stay etched in peoples minds for a long time. At Christina's funeral the largest flag salvaged from the 9/11 world trade centre atrocity was unfurled held up by two fire trucks. Perfect symbolism of a young life, born during one tragedy, killed in another. Five other people also died that day, John Roll (63) a federal judge, Dorwin Stoddard (76) a church volunteer, Gabe Zimmerman (30) an aide to Rep. Giffords, Dorothy Morris (76) and Phyllis Schneck (79).

There was a huge backlash to this tragedy aimed at Sarah Palin and the tea party. Mainly due to the 'crosshairs' poster Mrs Palin posted on her Facebook page, with a list of names. Gabrielle Giffords name was on that list.

As the week progressed, Doctors were amazed at the recovery of Rep. Giffords. After undergoing serious and emergency surgery, by the end of the week, she showed she could move all limbs, opened her eyes and followed commands by her Doctors. One Doctor remarking "she had no business looking that good" after the seriousness of the injury. Reports today say that the breathing tube which has been in place since Rep. Giffords arrived at the hospital, could be removed today.

For anti death penalty activist 2011 didn't start well either, but hope was to come. Billy Don Alverson - Oklahoma was executed January 6 using pentobarbital a drug often  used to euthanise animals. However, There were still another six people scheduled to be put to death. In the end three were stayed, one was commuted. Sadly Jeffrey Matthews - Oklahoma and Leroy white - Alabama were put to death, both in the same week as Rep. Giffords shooting.

Positive news did manage to lift spirits a little. Illinois is now just a signature away from abolition. Governor Quinn has said he will listen to both sides of the debate and then let his conscience guide him. We can only hope that his conscience leads to his signing the abolition bill. There has been a moratorium on Capital Punishment in Illinois for the last 10 years, but full abolition would be a remarkable step towards abolition across the United States. New Mexico voted for abolition in 2009, so if this trend continues, then one state abolition every other year means the abolition movement wont be disbanded for a while unfortunately, but for each state that does abolish, lives are saved. Not that any one can expect a pattern for abolition.  States that have abolished are, Michigan (1846) Wisconsin (1853) Maine (1887) Minnesota (1911)  Hawaii (1948)Alaska (1957) Vermont (1964) Iowa (1965) West Virginia (1965) North Dakota (1973) Dist. of Columbia (1981) Rhode Island (1984) Massachusetts (1984) New Jersey (2007) New York (2007) New Mexico (2009)One abolitionist is quoted as saying "It will be wonderful for prisoners all over the US to not have to face execution, and it will be an equal relief for me to have my life back". I don't see her getting 'her life back' quickly, but any victory no matter how small is worth a celebratory smile. Victories in the fight against the DP are few and far between, but very sweet when they do happen.

So as we move into the week that celebrates the birthday of Martin Luther King, JR 1/15 we can only hope that it is a week for remembering the words in the "I have a dream" speech, and not another week for mourning those who die at the hands of others.



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