This is the first newsletter I wrote on 2011,newsletter where I put all my hopes, dreams and where I try to make you part to ROLDA accomplishments and to ask your help to overpass the problems that we face. By giving us your trust, you become our friend. By giving us your support, you help us save more strays lives. By continuing to stay on our side, I know you care and Romanian animals voice wil be stronger, louder!
photo: Ursu and Alma playing at ROLDA shelter. NEW BEGINNING, NEW HOPES, SAME GOAL
ArcelorMittal Galati ,our main sponsor from over 4 years decided to sponsor in 2011 ROLDA to obtain all the permits, update the kennels facilities for dogs, build running spaces, connect the shelter to electricity and….sponsor the building of the veterinary clinic which we dreamed for so long.This will be the first charitable veterinary clinic from Romania, providing low costs treatments and sterilizations for the local community animals ; a place where international vets volunteers will be welcomed to help us sterilize as many homeless and street animals as possible.
This is wonderful news, and an excellent start of year, also a recognition of ROLDA efforts to build locally a better World for animals, especially unwanted ones.
The bad news is that huge investment will prevent for 2011 ArcelorMittal to sustain the free sterilization program for local community, therefore we will need our supporters help to accomplish this. Every 20 $ US donated to ROLDA will mean a female spayed.
We hope to spay at least 2,000 female cats and dogs during this year, every donation will prevent more puppies to born to suffer on the streets or die.
The phone is ringing few times every day, people from Galati community wants to spay the dogs but the funding is limited and therefore we feel terrible to let them down and refuse them, after working so hard to convince the entire community about the importance of sterilization.
photo: With your help, less puppies will be born to suffer on the streets.
Returning to the veterinary clinic ambitious project, after it will be built(and we’ll keep you updated on this) we would need donations of veterinary products, supplies for sterilization, and of course vets from abroad are welcome to subscribe to help.
And of course we’ll need basic veterinary equipment for starting.
In terms of local veterinaries, we are happy to announce that after the clinic will be open, ROLDA will join efforts with two new vets and this hopefully will speed the sterilizations and will pay off the results which we all are waiting to see: no more strays abused, sick and multiplying on the streets of Galati, Romania.
In March, ROLDA will be represented at HSUS Genesis Awards by Shannon and Tim, two great US volunteers that will speak out for Romanian animals. We remind you that ROLDA win the second prize after an online photo contests where thanks to your votes, we were able to win a free trip to Genesis Awards offered by the contest organizers, by HSUS.
Because every penny matters and because our budget is very limited now, we decided it’s best and more economic to send US volunteers and not spend dogs’ money on trips over the ocean.
We are very grateful to HSUS and HIS for give Romanian animals the chance to be represented by ROLDA at this very exclusivist and special awards gala.
Beginning of April, ROLDA will welcome a filming crew for making together a TV documentary on Romanian animals condition.
First volunteer for 2011, our dear Marit from Norway will be coming at the end of February and two other ladies from UK ,than a US group will be coming to give a helpful hand to the daily work in the shelters.
Our partners in Holland, UK and Norway are charged with fresh power to help us find best re-homing places for our rescue dogs. We are already preparing next load of dogs for Holland and two more for Norway for January month.
photo: Jack, a disabled dog needs a safe kennel where to stay until being adopted.
Because of the past successful stories concerning disabled dogs rescue, we are committed to find homes for the special dogs in our care: Jack and Maui.
Hopefully this year their/and our’ s dreams will come true.
One of our donor impressed by Valerica’s huge efforts to feed and look after her rescue 23 dogs (one disabled) and 27 cats, donated to cover the food until March month. We also were able to re-home dogs from Valerica in Holland, including a disabled dog in very poor condition, which now hopefully will be fully recovered and enjoy a safe life!
This funny title came into my mind thinking one day how many building and renovation work need to be done this year. Of course raising the funds for this is a huge challenge.Every building work has its role to improve rescue dogs life, for instance we need around
5,000 EUR to build running spaces because rescue strays cannot stay in the kennel/s all day and letting them out in the garden it’s dangerous for them.
The cottage at the shelter need major improvements starting with the roof that need to be completely replaced and ending with the heating central (on wood) which is more economic than heating the house electrically.
One new central for heating on wood costs 2,000 EUR and the total costs for the repairs at the small shelter is between 7,200 EUR and 15,000 EUR.
Most important, we need your help to raise approx 25,000 EUR to rebuild from ground the shelter which was nominated for 6 years consecutively the best in Eastern Europe, we need this amount to keep high standards of hygiene and comfort(not luxury) for the rescue dogs which are 100% adopted in countries like Holland, Norway, UK.
With your help we’ll be able to re home healthy and beautiful dogs from a place maintained with hard work as a Heaven for rescue animals from Galati region in Romania.
UPDATE On the night of 8/9 January at least two thieves stole 20 long metal pipes which we saved in time for when we’ll have the whole number to start the metallic paddock structure; 30 sandwich panels for paddock insulated walls.
I spent hours to the local Police but the only answer I got from them is that I would need to put security agents to guard the shelter and they also “encourage” me that sometimes it pass 10 years until the thieves are catch, if they are ever catch at all.
The total amount we lost is around 2,800 US$ (if the materials would be new , but of course we had them from a while because we keep add these materials together hoping that one day we’ll complete the total and start renovating the kennels).
If you wish to contribute to help us limit this damage, please CLICK HERE (PayPal secure, online donations welcome!)
UPDATE 2 Because shelters and dogs’ security comes first, ROLDA appeals to our generous supporters to help us raise 1,700 – 2,000 US$ to buy a new surveillance system for the entire shelter’s garden.
January's "Hall of fame":Alice W.,Arja V.,Bernd H.,Bonnie B., Britta L.,Carine D.,Catherine H., Christine D.,Corinna M.,Dana D., Dawn K.,Elizabeth F.,Elizabeth L., Elsa HL, Florentine J.,Frances T.,Heinz L.,Helena B.,Gary S.,Gill R.,Kathleen H.,Jennifer S., Johannes O.,Julia P.,Julian P.,Lisa D.,Michael S.,Nick S., Peter E.,Regina W.,Sandra DJ, Serge T.,Sue D., Stefan S., Susanne K.,Susan F.,Clayton,Valerie K.
Special thanks goes also to:
Mel and Mark for transporting a load of blankets from KHZ to Damen in Holland; toHenny that generously flight attend a load of dogs to Dutch adoptive families, including her new adoptive dog (the 2nd from ROLDA) Tania.
Ann (USA) and Tina(Holland) for new articles writen to promote Romanian strays cause!
Paul which did a marvelous and very professional job to put together some informations with and about ROLDA.
Emma B for donations in kind, Chrissy from RAA for sponsoring Caramell trip to UK,
Special thanks to the new US supporters Evelyn and Constance for kind letters sent!
Many thanks to adoptive families:
Hanneke adopted Lori,
Wies adopted Aisa;
Gerrie adopted Depi;
Rinus adopted Donuts;
Pijper family adopted Albita;
Lidy adopted Alice;
Anna adopted Lisa;
Sonja adopted Nina(kindly foster by Mel);
Hillie adopted Cora(disabled) and Irma
Arcelor Mittal Galati ,Damen Shipyard, Viata Libera Galati, Le Chien Swisse,Pet’s Home,Animal Miracle Network,Rentex Floron, Klassik Radio, Dogs Today, Animal Wellness, WVS UK, KHZ, Cukys, METRO Cash & Carry,Derpan, Veti-Med and our sister -representatives of ROLDA Holland, ROLDA UK and ROLDA USA!With respect and hope,
Dana Costin
ROLDA & Romanian League in Defense of Animals,Inc
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