Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Leroy White scheduled to be executed Thursday - help needed.

1/11/11 brought bitter sweet DP news. Illinois looks very likely to abolish, it takes a signature from Gov. Quinn, and Illinois no longer has the DP. News filtering through suggests we will get that signature. We also had a stay of Execution for Cleve 'Sarge' Foster. Sarge was due to be executed at 6pm CET and around 6:05 news of the stay came through. Gloria Rubac got the news while on radio and hearing her shout "he got a stay" was simply wonderful. What was very surprising was that Justice Thomas agreed to the stay, from a 7 - 2 for the only dissenters were Justices Scalia and Alito.
Also the death sentence of Richard Clay was commuted by Gov Jay Nixon (Missouri). Sadly Jeffrey David Mathews was executed. R.I.P.

So as you can see a really busy day yesterday. While R2J was posting asking for people to call Gov. Perry on behalf of Cleve Foster, a member asked if we could post scheduled executions and contact details for the respective Governors ahead of time, to give people a chance to call in with objections, and plea for clemency on behalf of the condemned inmates. We thought that was a great idea, and will post around 48 hours ahead of a planned execution.

Regrettably we have our first case. Leroy White is due to be put to death 1/13/11 In Alabama. Please contact Gov. Riley, and help us to help Leroy.

Gov. Riley details are:

Alabama Governor
Bob Riley
State Capitol N-104
600 Dexter Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36130-2751

As with the case of Sarge, we have shown that many voices shouting, will be heard, lone voices never will, and by the simple act of picking up a phone, Sarge lives to fight another day. Please help give Leroy that same chance.

Thank you

In love, peace and solidarity.

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