Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Justice 4 Jass - When honesty doesn't pay

They say that there are two sides to every story, and most of the time, that’s true. This however is a joint enterprise case, so rather than two sides of one story, there are two sides of many parts but as always only one complete truth.
On the 28th July 2009, Jass, Neesha his girlfriend, and three others went to their local, Gavin’s sports bar in Wolverhampton. After spending some time there, they got in a car driven by his girlfriend and began driving back. As they did, Kieran Wynter in the company of a group of young men began shining a laser light directly at the car.
Jass was concerned not only for his own safety but his girlfriend’s and others too. He told Neesha to stop the car beside them, which she did, and confronted the group about what had happened. This group of 7 men could not be reasoned with, they became aggressive and provocative in the knowledge that they had an advantage in numbers.
After backing down, Jass returned later with more friends and a second confrontation ensued with Jass still remonstrating about the use of the laser light earlier. In the midst of a heated argument, a shot was fired from a gun hitting Swinder Singh Batth who was not involved in the dispute. He died a short time later as a result.
On the 5th of August 2010, Jasbir Takhar was convicted of murder in Birmingham crown court and sentenced to 29 years in prison. He was not the person who fired the gun, he didn’t even know the gun was there, he did not murder Swinder Batth.

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