Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Free Jaime A Davidson Sr

Dear family friends and supporters: 

I am respectfully seeking your support to please contact 60 Minutes at CBS News 
and ask them to pick up my case. 
Their letter and information is below: 

Yo estoy respetuosamente buscando su apoyo para que por favor comuniquese 
con 60 Minutos en Noticiero CBS y pidanle que recojan mi caso. Su carta e informacion 
esta abajo: 

Please send 60 Minutes to my website. Por favor envien a 60 Minutos a 
mi website a: 


Dear Mr. Faiola: 

Please note that this is Jaime A. Davidson once again respectfully requesting 
that you please RECONSIDER my case to be aired on 60 Minutes. My case is presently pending 
once again for the 4th time in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York. My website 
has my entire case updated and whatever your staff may need to consider in order to accept it. 

Thanks in advance for accepting my case for 60 Minutes. 
Jaime A. Davidson 


524 West 57 Street 
New York, New York 10019-2985 
Tel. No. (212) 975-3166 
Fax No. (212) 975-2620 
Email: rpfaiola@cbs.com 

June 24, 2008 

Dear Mr. Davidson: 
I am replying to your request that 60 MINUTES investigate a matter about which you are concerned. 
We regret to learn of the difficulties you are facing, but must inform you that, after careful 
consideration, 60 MINUTES has decided not to report on them. As you know, each editiion of 
60 MINUTES is limited to only three subjects that must be selected from among dozens that could 
conceivably-- and justifiably-- be explored. The staff cannot investigate any matters not selected for 
on-air reports, as they must concentrate their efforts and resources on preparing broadcast material. 
We are returning to you the materials you sent us. 
Although we cannot help you, we hope that you will find assistance through other avenues. 

Ray Faiola 
Audience Services 

Mr. Jaime A. Davidson 
Reg. No. 37593-053 (Unit - 4A, 213) 
P.O. BOX - 2000 
White Deer, Pennsylvania 17887-2000 

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