CODE RED!!!! Mulligan and Dimitri were taken from a home where they lived with other dogs and a woman who was taken to a nursing home for health reasons. No one wanted the dogs so they were brought here. It is very sad and they are confused as to why they are here on top of being scared out of their minds. We have been trying to work with them but being here, its so loud and crazy, we are just not getting anywhere. They shiver at the sight of us. We are just not sure what else we can do with them at this point if no one can come forward to give them more time to adjust to losing the only person they ever trusted. Please, please crosspost to people who may be able to help re-hab these babies.. They will be P-T-S next week if we can not place them as we have no avenues for them here. Please help Mulligan and Dimitri by crossposting to rescues and people who can work with them.
.Please contact Daviess County Animal Control at 270-685-8275 or e-mail if you can help save them...

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